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Grants Office News May 2018


Integrity regulation to replace previous guidelines

Integrity is essential for the credibility of research. The standards that apply at the University of Basel have been compiled into a new integrity regulation issued by the University Council. The new regulation is effective immediately.
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Horizon Europe - Ready for the Mission?

Preparations for the next European Research Framework Programme, the successor to Horizon2020, are in full swing. ”Horizon Europe”, as the programme will be called, is not only intended to foster Europe’s competitiveness in basic and applied science, but also to pursue societal goals and to support breakthrough innovation. While the three-pillar structure of Horizon2020 is likely to remain under Horizon Europe, changes are expected in the area of innovation promotion and a “mission oriented approach” is foreseen to address societal challenges
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“Research is about identifying opportunities and combining the strengths of others with your own ideas”

The physicist and director of the Swiss Nanoscience Institute, Prof. Christian Schönenberger, has just received his second ERC Advanced Grant. The Grants Office spoke to him about his recipe for success, his experiences in collaborative projects, his opinion on the developments towards "Mission-Oriented Research" and his further plans.
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The Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) in Horizon 2020 – Where, When and How to apply?

"Horizon2020" offers many funding opportunities for projects in the Social Sciences and Humanities, via dedicated topics, in cross-cutting and inter-disciplinary projects as well as individual grants. However guidance is often necessary to find the successful path through the maze of funding opportunities. We plan to organise an information event in Basel in order to provide SSH researchers with an overview of research and innovation funding opportunities in Horizon 2020 together with more advanced strategic advice for participation.
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More than 600 Million available for Health and Care Research from the Horizon2020 “Health” programme

Topics for the final Calls (2019-2020) under the Horizon2020 societal challenge “Health” are known. Collaborative projects in the areas of Personalised Medicine, Healthcare, e-Health, Digital solutions and Infectious diseases are sought. Would you like to know more about these Calls and how to apply?
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Success Stories

We congratulate Prof. Fiona Doetsch and Prof. Christian Schönenberger on their ERC Advanced Grants! The following researchers have successfully obtained a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship: Wenxiang FU (Prof. Hall’s group), Idoia Grau Sologestoa (Prof. Deschler-Erb’s group), Tomasz Jakubczyk (Prof. Warburton’s group), Alexandria Liang (Prof. Ward’s group), Mayumi Mori (Prof. Pieters’ group), Guilherme Vilhena (Prof. Meyer’s group) and Elizabeth Wright (Prof. Schibler’s group). We congratulate them and wish them a good start.

Data Management Plan, Data Protection and (non HFG) Ethics Approval

The demands on researchers when dealing with data are increasing and the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) also raises new questions. The University of Basel offers support in these questions. Visit researchdata.unibas.ch for examples of data management plans, advice on data storage and support contacts. If you need further advice and support, please contact the Grants Office. Together with the Team Data Management we will support you in finding suitable solutions for your research project.


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