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International Entrepreneurship Programs

Innovation Office INCATE (Image: Douglas Haggstrom)
Innovation Office INCATE (Image: Douglas Haggstrom)

The Innovation Office collaborates beyond the University of Basel to provide greater opportunities for entrepreneurs from the University of Basel and contribute to the creation of entrepreneurship opportunities globally.

MIRAHI - Making Innovation a Reality – African Health Initiative

MIRAHI is dedicated to helping science-based entrepreneurs, including those from Switzerland, to validate and scale-up their solutions by helping them to build connections with key public, private, academic and civil society stakeholders, access relevant support and funding opportunities and acquire the knowledge and skills that will support the scale-up of their projects. 

MIRAHI works together with key partners in targeted countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and is part of the leading house Africa program and receives special funding from the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI). https://www.swisstph.ch/en/research/leading-house-africa/ 

Are you interested in the latest call or supporting entrepreneurs reach out to douglas.haggstrom@unibas.ch or see www.pupella.org/mirahi for the latest call

INCATE - INCubator for Antibiotic Therapies Europe

INCATE is a partnership founded to support innovators in the fight against drug resistant bacterial infections (AMR). This support is needed to boost the pipeline of new antibiotics, diagnostics and digital tools which are weak after years of neglect from investors.

INCATE supports innovators to bridge the gap between academia and industry and become investable ventures by providing advice, community and funding. 

Founding academic members are Deutschen Zentrum für Infektionsforschung (DZIF), Leibniz-HKIl, NCCR AntiResist and the University of Basel and industry partners are Boehringer Ingelheim, Shionogi, Roche and MSD Germany. 

More information can be found at www.incate.net

SEOUL - BASEL Startup Acceleration

The Innovation Office has close relations with the start-up ecosystem in South Korea and is in regular exchange with universities, start-up incubators and venture capital investors from this dynamic country. As part of the Seoul-Basel sister city relationship, it runs an acceleration program for excellent start-ups from South Korea in the life sciences, wishing to expand their research & development activities to Basel.

Contact the team

  • Douglas Häggström

    Lead, Antimicrobial Resistance & Life Sciences / Entrepreneurship in LMIC / INCATE and MIRAHI

    Douglas Häggström
    University of Basel President's Office Innovation Kreuzstrasse 4
    4123 Allschwil
    Contact information
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