Raising Children While Studying

Family-friendly university
The University of Basel was certified as family-friendly by the audit family-friendly university. Moreover, it is a member of the «Familie in der Hochschule»-network and has signed the associated charter.
The university's goal is to achieve sustainable development in the area of combatibility of family and studies. It is making its contributions with the offers and information below.
For general questions and concerns, please contact the Diversity & Inclusion Office. In addition, there is a contact person in each faculty where you can clarify specific questions. You will find their contact information further down on this webpage.
Mailing list family & university
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Day care and caring for relatives
The university day care center is a facility for students and staff of the University of Basel. Learn more about the day care center on it's website.
Please also note the offer hourly supervision at the university day care center.
The flyer childcare for students and employees, where do i find what is very suitable as an introduction to the topic.
On the website of the Welcome Center you will find a lot of information about childcare facilities for small children and schoolchildren in the cantons of Basel Stadt and Basel Landschaft.
The online calculator for parental contributions of the Canton of Basel-Stadt (German webpage) allows you to estimate the costs for the care of your child in the childcare centre of the University of Basel.
Students may also be responsible for caring for relatives. Contact the Family Service if you have any questions on this topic.
Emergency childcare
Your child is sick, but you have obligations at the university that cannot be easily postponed?
If you are studying or working at the University of Basel there is a solution for this situation. In cooperation with the Swiss Red Cross, the «Hütedienst für kranke Kinder» is offered. You call and within four hours a trained and experienced caregiver will take care of your child.
The free emergency childcare is aimed at student or employee parents or guardians who live in the cantons of Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft, Solothurn and Aargau and applies to children up to 12 years of age.
Further information in the leaflet emergency childcare
Contact person at faculty resp. field
Faculty of Theology
Office of the Dean of Studies and of the Dean of Research, Franziska Müller Boss franziska.mueller-boss@unibas.ch
Faculty of Law
Office of the Dean of Studies, Nicole Saraceno nicole.saraceno@unibas.ch
Faculty of Medicine
Studmed Helpdesk medizinstudium.unibas.ch
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Student Administration studadmin-philhist@unibas.ch
Faculty of Science
Office of the Dean of Studies, Susann Schulz susann.schulz@unibas.ch
Faculty of Business and Economics
Office of the Dean of Studies, Sandra Viehmeier studiendekanat-wwz@unibas.ch
Faculty of Psychology
Office of the Dean of Studies studiendekanat-psychologie@unibas.ch
Sport Science
Study Coordination,
general questions studium-dsbg@unibas.ch
lecture and exam related questions pk-dsbg@unibas.ch
Nursing Science
Student Advice Center, Yuliya Senft yuliya.senft@unibas.ch