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Information Supply and Information Technology Coordination Committee (IVIT-KOG)

Based on the university’s information supply and information technology (IVIT) strategy and the scope for action identified within it, the central IVIT providers (ZIP) are preparing a package of measures and an implementation plan for them within the framework of the IVIT Coordination Committee (IVIT-KOG).

 The Coordination Committee will incorporate the interests and needs of the three thematic areas. The IVIT-KOG is responsible for coordinating operations among the central ZIPs.

The IVIT-KOG’s duties are as follows: 

  • Prepare a consolidated IVIT implementation plan based on the IVIT strategy
  • Communicate with the Strategy Committee for IVIT and incorporate recommendations for action
  • Coordinate ZIPs on overarching IVIT issues and projects
  • Prepare communications on IVIT topics by the President’s Board
  • Develop overarching IVIT regulations
  • Prepare an annual report on targets achieved and risks

The Coordination Committee is headed by the Vice President for Research or a representative of the IVIT Staff Unit. Members include the Chief Information Security Officer and the heads of the ZIPs. 


Organisational Unit
Represented by:
Organisational Unit

IT Portfoliomanagement

Represented by:

Nico Frobenius

Organisational Unit

Center for Scientific Computing (sciCORE)

Represented by:

Dr. Thierry Sengstag

Organisational Unit

Center for Data Analytics (CeDA)

Represented by:

Dr. Geoffrey Fucile (Prof. Dr. Ivan Dokmanić)

Organisational Unit

Chief Information Security Officer

Represented by:

Dr. Marcus Dantz

Organisational Unit

Educational Technologies

Represented by:

Dr. Gudrun Bachmann

Organisational Unit

IT-Services (ITS)

Represented by:

Marco Gersbacher (deputy director)

Organisational Unit

New Media Center (NMC)

Represented by:

Dr. Thomas Lehmann

Organisational Unit

Research & Infrastructure Support Einheit (RISE)

Represented by:

Eric Lars Decker

Organisational Unit

SAP Competence Center (SAP CC)

Represented by:

Janine Haas

Organisational Unit

University Library (UB)

Represented by:

Dr. Alice Keller


  • Nico Frobenius

    Head of IT Portfolio Management

    Nico Frobenius
    University of Basel IT Portfolio Management Petersgraben 35, Postfach
    4001 Basel
    Tel. +41 61 207 26 63
    Contact information
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