The Scientific Advisory Boards of the University of Basel

The objective of the Rectorate is to introduce Scientific Advisory Boards (SABs) at all departments and mono-departmental faculties by April 2022.
Initially, the establishment of SABs as a key pillar of the quality management in research was embraced in the university strategy 2014. As part of the preparations for the upcoming institutional accreditation, the Rectorate and the President’s Conference defined the comprehensive introduction of SABs as a priority project for the entire university. Based on the positive experiences of the departments that already have a SAB or similar instruments, the Research Commission formulated a concept for the university-wide implementation that it approved on September 25, 2019. In 2020, the Rectorate approved the concept and made the funds required for its implementation available.
Faculty of Psychology
The following departments and faculties have established a Scientific Advisory Board as of October 2023: