Examples of the Implementation of the 3Rs Principle at the University of Basel

Methods to replace animal experimentation
- In-vitro models «in the test tube» (cell, tissue, organ cultures)
- In-silico computer models
- Non-invasive imaging methods such as PET, CT or MRI
- Organoids (cell assemblies with similar structure to organs)
- Multi-organ chips / bio-reactor
- Analysis of physicochemical properties, data from non-animal tests and from humans
- Clinical research on humans
Methods for partial replacement of animal research
- Use of lower evolutionary species or early developmental stages, e.g., invertebrates (nematode, fruit fly), zebrafish, embryos and fetuses of mammals, birds, reptiles prior to the last third of gestation
- Isolated tissues or organs from surplus animals or animals killed exclusively for collection purposes
- Pluripotent stem cells
Methods to reduce animal testing
- Innovative techniques such as «micro-sampling» in mice; allows repeated blood sampling from the same animal instead of using new animals for each sample
- Improvements in experimental design and statistical methods
- Non-invasive imaging techniques such as PET, CT or MRI
- Exchange of animal material/organs between research groups
- Optimization of breeding programs (avoidance of excess breeding)
Methods for the improvement of animal research and animal husbandry
- Non-invasive imaging techniques such as PET, CT or MRI
- Optimization of interventions (e.g. blood sampling, euthanasia)
- Handling & restraint of animals – less aversive methods
- Optimization of methods for anesthesia and pain relief
- Optimization of monitoring of animal welfare and pain detection
- Definition of termination criteria («humane endpoints»)
- Improvement of housing conditions (e.g. «enrichment», group housing)
- Compensation for specific burdens (offering wet food, food/water on cage floor, softer bedding)