UPGRADE your digital skills

New at the University of Basel?
To help students make a successful start in their studies, the University of Basel offers “UPGRADE your digital skills”, a self-study course that is accessible through the ADAM learning platform.
New Bachelor students can earn one ECTS-credit point for this course if they pass the final assessment.
“UPGRADE your digital skills” is also open as a self-study course to all other university members who wish to become more familiar with the university's digital infrastructure and expand their digital skills.
The course is currently available in German only.
Course information
Course type
online self-study course (also suitable for mobile devices)
Study time
16 modules, 0.5-1.5 h each
accessible to all University members
bachelor students only (credit transfer is not possible for medicine and dental medicine students)
digital final exam with your own computer on campus
Assessment details
exam duration 30 minutes
Repeat examination
How can I join the self-study course “UPGRADE your digital skills” on ADAM?
- Click on the “Go to course” button on this page.
- Log in to the ADAM learning platform (ILIAS) with your Switch edu-ID account.
- You are now a course member and can find the course on your ADAM dashboard.
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How can I earn a credit point for the course “UPGRADE your digital skills”?
As a Bachelor's student, you can earn one credit point for the “UPGRADE your digital skills” course. Work through all the modules and answer the questions in the module tests. Once you have passed all the tests, you can register for the final digital exam on campus. The final exam focuses on the simulation and process of a digital exam, so that you are well prepared for further digital exams in your subject.
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Can I earn a credit point for the “UPGRADE your digital skills” course as an advanced student, i.e. when I have already been studying at the University of Basel for some time?
The course is primarily aimed at Bachelor's degree students who are new to the University of Basel. All students are welcome to take part in the self-study course, but only Bachelor's students can register for the final examination.
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Can I also complete the self-study course “UPGRADE your digital skills” as a Master's student, doctoral student or employee of the University of Basel?
Yes, the course is open to all university members (using their unibas e-mail address) and can be completed in self-study, including module tests. Only the taking of the final exam and the acquisition and recognition of credit points is restricted to Bachelor's students. If you are not currently enrolled in the Bachelor's degree program, you cannot earn credit points.
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Is the self-study course “UPGRADE your digital skills” also available in English?
The self-study course is currently only available in German, as it is primarily addressed to new Bachelor's students at the University of Basel.
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When does the final digital exam on campus take place?
As soon as you have completed all module tests, the exam registration will be activated in the course. The examination period is from November 18 to 22, 2024. If the examination could not be taken or was not passed during the scheduled examination period, a retake examination will be offered on December 4, 2024. After that, there will be no further opportunity to acquire the credit point in the same academic year. The course is only offered in the fall semester.
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Do I have to take part in the “UPGRADE on campus” program if I want to earn a credit point?
No. This offer is optional and is available to all course participants who have questions about the course content or e.g. require technical support on site. No additional content will be taught on the face-to-face dates.
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How many / which module tests have I passed in the self-study course on ADAM?
The personal learning progress on the ADAM learning platform provides an overview of the module tests that have been passed or failed.
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Can I take the final exam with a Linux computer?
Some students, especially in the natural sciences, do use a Linux computer during their studies without experiencing problems. On the other hand, the module “Digital Examination Environment” specifies the use of a Windows or Mac computer as a minimum requirement for examinations. This is due to the fact that the supervising and technical staff are only trained to support the most common computer types. However, as this final exam takes place on the internet, it is technically possible to take it on a Linux computer with a standard browser such as Firefox or Chrome. However, no support can be guaranteed for this, which is why this is done at your own risk. If in doubt, a computer can be borrowed from IT Services.
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