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Travel Fund

The University of Basel travel fund for early career researchers awards grants ad personam from the level of doctoral students in order to facilitate the transfer and adopting of methods and knowledge in research.

The contributions from the fund are of a supplementary nature and are only awarded if the university is able to ascertain that the applicant is not able to finance the project, partially or in full, through the institute's own or third-party resources.

There is no legal entitlement to the granting of a contribution.

The target groups, terms of application and the basis for calculation are detailed in the information sheet and the policies of the travel fund. For your travel planning, please refer to the document "Less for more" (see link box below).

Fill out application form online, print out the PDF version and submit it to us with the requested signatures via postal mail or in person together with the following documents no later than four weeks after the applicant’s return:

  • Online application form, signatures needed: department/supervising professor and applicant
  • Original receipts for trips by air/rail, conference fees, hotel (max. CHF 150 / night), meals (max. CHF 50 / day);
    small receipts must be attached to A4 sheets, the same type of costs are to be summed up and converted into CHF and the exchange rate declared on receipts.
  • Final report on content of this event, importance for your research, impact etc.
  • Abstract of the scientific contribution
  • Letter of recommendation from the supervising professor (exception: habilitated postdocs and assistant professors)
  • CV with list of publications

Please note that as of January 1st 2018 application with a total amount < CHF 150.00 cannot be submitted.

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday (Wednesday only in the morning)

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