Research & Dialog

The University of Basel combines a broad spectrum of competence and expertise in sustainability topics. In addition to highly specialized research, the University of Basel's strength is particularly evident in topics that require an interdisciplinary approach. In this way, it makes an active contribution to current social and ecological challenges and helps to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Research focuses in particular on the topics of energy and climate, social change, ecological diversity and human health in a healthy environment.
Research network Sustainable Future
The research network Sustainable Future of the University of Basel coordinates and strengthens interdisciplinary research in the field of sustainability at the University of Basel across the boundaries of departments and faculties. It currently connects researchers from five faculties, focusing on three thematic areas, namely Energy, (Bio-)Diversity and Sustainable Digital World.
The Sustainability Report provides insights into current research at the University of Basel. It illustrates the wide breadth of sustainability research at the University and its contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
Green Labs Program
A large proportion of research at the University of Basel takes place in laboratories. As part of the Green Labs program, we are looking for ways to reduce the consumption of resources in laboratory operations without compromising excellence in research.
There are a number of initiatives at the University, which range from measures to reduce energy use, initiatives to reduce and recycle plastic waste, improved purchasing procedures, etc.
Since 2023, at the Department of Biomedicine, the group Sustainable DBM has been motivating its colleagues to promote sustainable research practices, save energy and resources, and operate with the health of our planet and nature in mind.
The campus as a Living Lab
According to the 2024-2030 climate strategy, the University of Basel campus is to be used as a living lab for sustainability-related research. Real-world laboratories or "Living Labs" can use transdisciplinary research to help test sustainable innovations and ideas on campus and bring them to life. In this way, practical knowledge acquisition and the promotion of transformation processes can be combined. As part of the "less for more" air travel project and in the area of catering, real-world laboratory studies have already been carried out on campus or are currently being developed. Researchers and students who are interested in conducting small research projects on sustainability on campus are welcome to contact the Sustainability Office.
Dialog with the public
The transfer of knowledge and dialog with the public is one of the core tasks of the University of Basel and is particularly important in the context of sustainable development and climate change. Events on sustainability topics are therefore held on a regular basis. University researchers also contribute their expertise to the media, publications and various networks. The Sustainable Future network is committed to the topic-specific transfer of knowledge and targeted public relations work, which should increase the visibility of sustainability research at the University of Basel in the medium and long term. The Sustainability Office is actively involved in various working groups of the International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN), in which the University has been represented since 2020. As part of the university network Eucor - The European Campus, the University is part of the "Sustainability Working Group of the Eucor Cities Network" in order to strengthen the dialog on sustainability between partner cities and universities. The university is also associated with EPICUR through its membership of the Eucor network. The aim of the EPICUR alliance is to intensify cooperation between the participating universities, including in the area of sustainability.
The university is also the main partner of the Klimaplattform der Wirtschaft Region Basel, a network of companies and the public sector for sustainable business and effective climate protection.