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Salary & Insurance

University of Basel (Image: Christian Flierl, © University of Basel)

Staff are hired by the University of Basel on the basis of a public contract or a private employment relationship.

Pay overview

"We pay fair"-Siegel
"We pay fair"-Siegel

«We Pay Fair» label

Following a comprehensive analysis of its salaries, the University of Basel has been awarded the “We Pay Fair” label by the University of St. Gallen’s Competence Centre for Diversity & Inclusion. Thanks in no small part to the University of Basel’s fair, non-discriminatory pay system, salaries at the University of Basel comply with the “equal pay for equivalent work” principle, which is enshrined in the Swiss constitution.

The University of St. Gallen’s “We Pay Fair” label is awarded to organizations that comply with the equal pay requirement according to the Logib equal pay analysis tool.





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