Breast Cancer Research

Breast cancer surgery: University of Basel initiates new research fund
Worldwide studies show that women with breast cancer are often over-treated due to outdated surgical standards. The long-term consequences and the suffering caused by this are substantial. And although billions are invested in tumour and drug research every year, there is not enough money for the necessary surgical studies. The University of Basel is therefore focusing on oncological breast surgery in collaboration with the University Hospital Basel. A central component of this focus is the establishment of a professorship, for the financing of which a special fund has now been set up.
Although 80 per cent of breast cancer patients can today be cured, millions of women worldwide continue to suffer from the late effects. In order to change this, studies are needed to minimise surgical interventions for breast cancer patients and to personalise treatments. Due to a lack of resources, only a fraction of what is needed to improve the chances of recovery from breast cancer and, above all, to reduce the side effects of treatment can currently be realised. With a new professorship, the research gaps in treatment quality could be closed much more quickly.
Scientific breakthrough expected in breast cancer surgery
The new professorship in oncological breast surgery promises the greatest direct benefit for those affected, as almost all patients require surgery. On the one hand, clinical studies will be conducted as part of the professorship in order to establish more targeted surgical techniques, which will significantly and sustainably improve the quality of life of those affected. On the other hand, the tumour samples obtained are used as model systems to indicate personalised treatment options.
You can support the establishment of the professorship! With your help, you can enable
- Improved and personalised cancer therapies to avoid overtreatment and spare millions of women worldwide unnecessary suffering.
- A deeper understanding of breast cancer treatment and the factors that influence it.
- The establishment of an endowed professorship that combines the expertise of the University Hospital Basel and the University of Basel in the field of personalised cancer medicine.
The University has set up the ‘Oncological Breast Surgery’ fund to finance this and hopes to raise the necessary funds in the course of the year.
Caroline Mattingley-Scott and Markus Ackerknecht will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Account details
Basler Kantonalbank, 4002 Basel, SWIFT: BKBBCHBBXXX
IBAN: CH46 0077 0020 0590 4392 2
Reason for payment: Oncological Breast Surgery, P.350.1107
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