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Coaching (SNSF Starting Grants and SNSF Consolidator Grants)

Coaching (SNF Eccellenza, SNF Prima, ERC, Marie Curie)
Coaching (© University of Basel)

SNSF Starting Grants

In order to prepare researchers for applying for an SNSF Starting Grant, an information event is organized prior to the call. Usually, applicants can also benefit from the experiences of grant recipients and evaluators at these workshops. Interested applicants are asked to contact the Grants Office: grants@unibas.ch.

In order to prepare the interview for the second phase of the SNSF Starting Grants selection process, the Grants Office offers mock interviews with experts from the University of Basel. Candidates will be informed directly about the offer.

SNSF Consolidator Grants

To prepare researchers for applying for an SNSF Consolidator Grant, an information event is organized prior to the call. Usually, applicants can also benefit from the experiences of grant recipients and evaluators at these workshops. Interested applicants are asked to contact the Grants Office: grants@unibas.ch.

For applicants who are invited for an interview at the SNSF, the Grants Office offers mock interviews with experts from the University of Basel and external experts. The candidates concerned will be informed directly about the offer.


  • University of Basel Grants Office

    Universität Basel, Kollegienhaus
    University of Basel Grants Office Petersgraben 35, Postfach
    4001 Basel
    Tel. +41 61 207 60 53
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