Universität Basel, Kollegienhaus, Raum 105, Petersplatz 1, 4051 Basel
Gesellschaft & Kultur
Epiphanies in Nature
Public workshop by Prof. Sophie Grace Chappell, The Open University, Milton Keynes
You are cordially invited to a workshop with Scottish philosopher Sophie Grace Chappell. The theme will be ethical, aesthetic and spiritual epiphanies, especially in nature.
Professor Chappell has recently published an impressive monograph on this topic. She argues that epiphanies, i.e., particularly vivid experiences of value, are at least as important in practical philosophy as are arguments and theories.
Sophie Grace Chappell is Professor of Philosophy at The Open University, Milton Keynes. Her research interests include feminist philosophy, political philosophy, ancient philosophy, epistemology, philosophy of religion, metaethics, aesthetics, philosophy of literature, and the philosophy of personal identity. Among other publications, she has written the books Understanding Human Goods (Edinburgh University Press, 1998), Ethics and Experience (Acumen Publishing, 2004), Knowing What To Do (Oxford University Press, 2015) and Epiphanies (Oxford University Press, 2022).
The workshop with Professor Chappell will take place as part of Professor Angelika Krebs' seminar on value ethics. The students will have prepared questions for Professor Chappell. Yet the workshop (to be conducted in English) will start with a talk by Professor Chappell which will not require prior knowledge of her book.
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