Universität Basel, Biozentrum, Spitalstrasse 41, 4056 Basel
Medizin & Gesundheit
Basel Cell Therapy Symposium 2025
Symposium organized by the Innovation Focus Cell Therapies of the University Hospital Basel
The program of the 2nd Basel Cell Therapy Symposium will showcase cutting-edge research on non-engineered lymphocytes, engineered lymphocytes, providing latest advancements in cell therapies and insights into engineered stem cells.
This meeting aims to foster interaction and exchange of scientific ideas among clinicians, scientists and other stakeholders in the field. We are delighted to confirm the participation of distinguished international speakers and we will also give the opportunity to young researchers to present their work through talks selected from abstracts and poster sessions. We look forward to welcome you to the Basel Cell Therapy Symposium.
An exciting programme awaits the participants:
Three sessions: ‘Cell therapy in solid tumours’, ‘Cell therapy in haematological tumours’, ‘Cell therapy beyond cancer’
three keynote lectures: Yvonne Chen (University of California, LA, USA), Marcela Maus (Harvard Medical School, MA, USA) and Andreas Mackensen (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and University Hospital Erlangen, DE)
Poster sessions
The short presentations will be selected from the submitted abstracts. Registration and submission of abstracts is possible from 15 October 2024. Deadline for the submission of abstracts for short presentations and posters: 30 November 2024. Registrations without abstract submission are possible until 10 January 2025.
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