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Assessments and Examinations at the University of Basel

Quality criteria for assessments and examinations at the University of Basel

Grafik mit der Aufschrift "Assessment Literacy"

1. Students are aware of the expectations and requirements for the respective assessment.


2. Students have the opportunity to clarify these expectations and requirements prior to the assessment so that they can structure their learning accordingly.

Grafik mit der Aufschrift "assessment feedback"

3. The learning activities preceding the assessment gives students the opportunity to self-assess and therefore evaluate their own skills and knowledge with regard to the requirements and expectations for the respective assessment.


4. The assessment itself provides students with information on their own performance in relation to the performance targets.

Grafik mit dem Text Assessment Design

5. The instruction and the assessment are closely linked.

6. The assessment is functional, fair and objective. It is designed such that factors unrelated to candidates’ learning and skills cannot affect candidate performance.

7. The assessment is designed to provide an appropriate means of evaluating the distribution of knowledge and skills among the students.

Further information

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