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Information for Companies

The specific objective to participate in an EU funded programme is to stimulate sustainable economic growth by increasing the level of innovation in SMEs, covering their different needs over the whole innovation cycle for all types of innovation, and thereby creating faster growing, internationally active SMEs.

Horizon Europe

The research framework program Horizon Europe runs from 2021-2027. Participation of companies incl. start-ups is still possible in most collaborative projects. Funding for Swiss project partners (incl. companies) in positively evaluated projects is guaranteed by SERI.

Further information can be found at www.euresearch.ch/companies.

The highly attractive instrument EIC Accelerator, as a mono-beneficiary grant, is currently not open for a Swiss participation, see link below to "Status of Switzerland in Horizon Europe". However, the Swiss Accelerator will be available from April 1, 2022. This is a national transitional measure aimed at individual start-ups and SMEs that want to carry out innovation projects with significant innovation potential and the goal of quickly and efficiently commercializing novel products and services. The Swiss Accelerator is offered by Innosuisse.

SERI provides information on the current status of Switzerland in Horizon Europe.

Please contact us for any questions you might have.

Joint Innovation Support for Companies and Start-Ups in the Basel Area

Logo of the organisation BaselArea

Euresearch Basel and the University of Basel are part of the "Platform Research and Innovation to support SMEs and Start-Ups in the Basel Area". Stakeholders in this platform work closely together in order to serve SMEs and Start-Ups best.

Link to BaselArea.swiss

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