UNI NOVA – Research Magazine of the University of Basel
A historian in the age of the data deluge.
Interview: Bettina Volz-Tobler / Historian Franziska Bühler of the Swiss Federal Statistical Office is responsible for coordinating the exchange of population data between the Swiss residents’ registers and Federal Statistical Office. Bühler serves as Section Head of sedex and Register Development, and she and her team play a key role in Switzerland’s federal data management.
On being human in Africa.
Text: Divine Fuh / Divine Fuh completed his doctorate at the University of Basel from 2005 until 2009 at the Institute of Social Anthropology and Center for African Studies. Today, he is director of the Institute for Humanities in Africa (HUMA) at the University of Cape Town.
Science meets the culinary arts.
Text: Michael Podvinec / My book: Molecular biologist Michael Podvinec recommends two favorite books from his cookbook collection.