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Gottfried Schatz Memorial Symposium

The scientist, author and essayist Gottfried “Jeff” Schatz passed away last year. In his honor, the Biozentrum will host the Gottfried Schatz Memorial Symposium on April 1, 2016. On this occasion, distinguished scientists from around the world along with colleagues from the sciences and arts, including the Nobel Laureate Prof. Randy Schekman, will present their research and pay tribute to Gottfried Schatz.

16 February 2016

The Gottfried Schatz Memorial Symposium comprises two parts. Firstly, the scientific program will begin with presentations by leading researchers from around the world. This will be followed by the second part called “Science, Art and Society”, with Prof. Susan Gasser and the Nobel Laureate Prof. Randy Schekman, who will pay tribute to the scientific life of Gottfried Schatz. Also, the stage director Prof. Hans Hollmann will read from the novel Postdoc as well as other works by Gottfried Schatz. The commemorative program will be accompanied by music played by the violinist Kamilla Schatz and the pianist Gérard Wyss.

Gottfried Schatz (1936-2015), Professor of Biochemistry at the Biozentrum, was a world leader in mitochondrial research, the study of the power plants of cells. He was a passionate advocate of interdisciplinary research, who influenced the research culture of an entire generation with his open-mindedness and visionary thoughts and ideas.

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