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Appreciation / Criticism

Illustration of Toolbox Constructive Conversations with appreciation and constructive ciriticism highlighted.
Toolbox Constructive Conversations | Appreciation and Criticism

It may be useful to complement periodic, structured team-member reviews, where objectives are agreed upon, with conversations. Team leaders are encouraged to maintain an appreciative dialogue with their team members. By praising a job well done, leaders show their team members that they are aware of and care about members’ contributions to the unit’s success.

Appreciation (constructive, regular feedback)

Give positive, appreciative feedback

  • Recognize team member’s contributions and successes

  • Appreciative feedback on success builds team members confidence

  • Appreciation and respect foster a culture of ethical leadership and boost team members’ motivation.

Criticism to suggest change or improvement


  • Focus on the issue that needs to be addressed

  • Sketch the positive elements and bring up your concerns concisely:
    – What needs to be changed, and why is it critical to do so.

  • Use your first-hand observations (do not refer to hearsay)  

  • Where useful, visualize your concerns, use examples.

Criticism to change or improve

  • Focus and state respectfully where you perceive a need for change:  «I would like to address the issue XY with you».

  • Focus on the positive, then state concisely where you see the potential or a necessity for improvement.

  • Give examples of where you see chances of improvement, visualize with first-hand examples; do not dwell on shortcomings



  • Assure that the issue you have raised has been heard by the other person.

  • Make sure the other person does not have to fend off your suggestions but rather is willing to accept your feedback.

  • Ascertain any need for further discussion to follow up on any loose ends.



  • If an (oral) agreement to change or improve on issues raised does not suffice, it is useful to document any criticism in writing.




Gebäude, Steinengraben 5, Basel
Universität Basel Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung Steinengraben 5, Postfach
4001 Basel
Tel. +41 61 207 17 18
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