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Toolbox for constructive conversations between team leaders and team members

Illustration of the various material offered in this toolbox for constructive conversations between team leaders and team members.
In this toolbox, you will find a number of guidelines used by team leaders at the University of Basel for conducting conversations with and evaluations of team members on equal terms.

Welcome. On this website, Leadership & Development offers a variety of tools to support team leaders in conducting fair and transparent conversations with their team members so as to fulfill their management and leadership duties. Team leaders are responsible for the success of their respective team and team members and for using the university’s resources productively and sustainably.

Guiding principles

  • University of Basel faculty and staff communicate in a reasonable, transparent fashion and work together with a cooperative and appreciative mindset.
  • Faculty and staff with leadership duties are responsible for the smooth operation of their team or unit and are encouraged to challenge and support their team members.
  • Teams leaders practice an appreciative leadership style and engage in dialogue with their team members on equal footing to guarantee success for the team members, the team, and the university.


Katrin Küchler


Projects Leadership & Development, Training / Coaching

University of Basel Leadership & Development Steinengraben 5, Postfach
4001 Basel
Tel. +41 61 207 09 25

Further information

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