10 Years Antelope
A decade of commitment, inspiration and support for talented individuals. Since its inception, the antelope program has guided and supported hundreds of PhD students and post docs in their professional careers. We would like to thank everyone who has made this program possible.
As part of the anniversary, we are organizing the antelope Conference in July and the Beyond Leadership Workshop in November. We look forward to welcoming many antelope alumnae to these events, looking back together on the experiences of recent years and looking forward to the next years of antelope with new knowledge!
The antelope Conference will take place on July 3 and 4, 2024 at the Hotel Odelya and promises two exciting days of workshops, inputs and networking opportunities. Look forward to inspiring talks, interactive discussions and the opportunity to make valuable contacts as we celebrate the successes of our graduates together.
Dates: July 3 and 4, you can also attend individual workshops only
Times: 10:00 to 17:30 followed by dinner and apéro
Location: Hotel Odelya (Missionsstrasse 21a, 4055 Basel)
The conference will start on July 3 with an interactive lecture by Heather Hofmeister on the careers of women in academia, followed by various parallel workshops, some of which will be held on site and one online. At the end of the first conference day, there will also be the opportunity to take a guided tour of Basel with Dr. Davina Benkert, Managing Director of alumni Basel and antelope participant 2014. The morning of the second day offers another opportunity to take part in one of the workshops. After a shared lunch, participants can support each other in an exchange market to share specific skills and experiences. The conference will end with a podium discussion on Key Skills for a Career in Academia with antelope alumnae Dr. Maëva Luxey, Dr. Christine Blume and Vice rector Prof. Nadja Braun Binder. More detailed information regarding the schedule can be found in the program.
Sign up until June 10, 2024.
Keynote Talk: Your exceptional status as a woman in academia
Heather Hofmeister, American, is Full Professor for the Sociology of Work at the GoetheUniversity in Frankfurt and co-director of the interdisciplinary Center for Leadership and Behavior in Organizations (CLBO). Hofmeister obtained her Ph.D. from Cornell University (USA) in 2002 and is a graduate of Harvard University’s Institute for Educational Management in Cambridge, MA (USA) and the CTI Coaches Training Institute in London (UK). Topics in Hofmeister’s research and public speaking include work, family, gender, leadership, careers, and science. She sets a priority on applying research into policy and practice.
In many corners of academia and in many leadership positions, women comprise less than 30% of the group. In these cases, we are seen as exceptions, and we will be hyper-visible and our actions will be scrutinized. Let’s take the situation as an invitation. If our presence will raise eyebrows and provoke, let’s be thoughtful, conscious, and even playful about our impact and message! This keynote will introduce the concept of “token status” and offer strategies to reduce the drawbacks of token status and maximise the benefits of our presence and contributions to ourselves, our science, and our organizations.
Conference Workshops
How-to ORCID
Susanne Matuschek
July 3: Online
- WHY ORCID: Current developments at SNSF and Swiss Universities
- MIND THE TRAPS: Does the new system enhances a gender bias towards women?
- ORCID: Changes, Importance, Possibilities and Limits
- YOU MATTER: how-to complete, present yourself and benefit most
- Q&A
- Practical approach: all participants send their ORCID number as active link to the trainer until 20 June
Facing stress: Keep your head clear
Evelyn Miller
July 3: Hotel Odelya
July 4: Online
Learn about techniques that enhance resilience, composure and keeping a clear head while facing stress and change in volatile times
- How can we refill our energy reserves
- How does our mindset influence how we experience a situation
- Try out techniques that relax, center and ground yourself
Job Crafting: Aligning your Job with your true Potential
Frauke Schmid-Peter
July 3: Hotel Odelya
July 4: Hotel Odelya
Where do I currently stand in my work? Does it fit me? The work I do? The way I work? What might I want to adjust?
This workshop offers you to look at your current work situation from the perspective of JobCrafting. You will get to know JobCrafting in the light of the Job Demands-Resources Model (Bakker et al), and we will dive into the four jobcrafting dimensions Tasks, Relations, Context and Attitude. To be honest, theory is not the essential part of this – it starts become interesting with the questions you will ask yourself. We will open space to look at what does this mean to you? So, this is not a training but rather a workshop in its real sense. We won’t craft with our hands but in conversations. Are you curious to use this framework to look at what you might want to adjust in your work?
Navigating Racism and Sexism - Exploring Personal Positioning Within These Systems
Cornelia Schneider & Mariana Lo Sasso
July 3: Hotel Odelya
July 4: Hotel Odelya
Through a mindful and inspiring space, we want to empower women to consider their professional and personal goals in the context of intersectionality and equal opportunities. Following an intersectional approach this workshop encourages participants to reflect on their experiences and positions as well as profit from constructive feedback and positive approaches for their personal growth.
- Intersectional perspectives: Insights into the complex interactions of racism and sexism and how these come into play in our own work and life contexts.
- Individual reflection: Exercises and impulses that help to recognize and question personal attitudes.
- Constructive criticism: ways to develop a positive and critical attitude in dealing with discrimination.
- Mindful space: A respectful space that enables participation in open discussions, reflections and exercises.
- Thinking ahead: Suggestions for integrating intersectional perspectives and critical reflection into your own career path and everyday working life.
Hedwig Ens
July 3: Hotel Odelya
July 4: Hotel Odelya
In this dynamic, playful and interactive workshop, participants will explore three aspects of communication: speaking, listening and the communication context. After establishing a supportive, open and respectful environment, we’ll explore storytelling and its application to research talks.
As Victor Borge put it: “laughter is the shortest distance between two
people”. In a brief opening session, all the participants will be invited to play a series of activities with the objective of creating an open, joyous and welcoming environment for all. The second (listening) and third (context) parts will be explored with situation-based activities, performed all together or in small groups.
At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- apply storytelling to their research
- listen to understand
- adapt their communication to the context
Beyond Networking Workshop
Participants in this event will have the opportunity to connect with other antelope alumnae on a deeper level than a usual networking situation typically allows.
In the morning, we will experiment with a method known as "Beyond Leadership", which aims to increase the intensity and quality of networking within a network and foster collective belonging and meaningful alliances. In the afternoon, we will tap into this network and explore its potential in a format similar to "Open Space Conferences" or "Bar Camps", where the agenda is shaped by the participants who want to bring in the topics and ideas they want to develop together with the other participants.
Date: November 19, 2024
Times: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, followed by an aperitif
Venue: Hotel Odelya (former Bildungszentrum 21) in Basel

The exchange and joint work in workshops with other ambitious doctoral students and postdocs from different disciplines was an enriching and instructive experience. The program confirmed my decision early on in my doctorate to pursue my goal of an academic career and taught me to cultivate and value the exchange with people in the same situation.
Prof. Dr. Raphaela Cueni, LL.M., Assistant Professor of Administrative Law, University of St. Gallen, antelope 2014

At antelope I met inspiring participants and tutors who showed me how to build and maintain a professional network.
Prof. Dr. med. Nicole Ritz, PhD Head of Center for Child Health Analytics (CCHA), Head of Peadiatrics & Paediatric Infectious Diseases, Children’s Hospital of Central Switzerland, antelope 2018

The antelope program paid a pivotal role in my professional development and in my path toward scientific independence. The mentoring and training provided by antelope have been an excellent support for grant applications and interviews. In addition, antelope creates a community of motivated scientists who are supporting each other in the steps towards a professorship.
Dr. Chiara Borsari, Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Milan, antelope 2020

Because antelope is so versatile - exchange with peers, targeted training in the group and individual parts of the program - I always had different contacts for exactly the topics that were important to me at the time. For me, antelope was the perfect support throughout the entire application phase until I got my desired professorship!
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Ina Pick, Department of German Studies, University of Innsbruck, antelope 2022

Focused workshops and mentoring sessions prepared us for the challenges of the academic application phase. The exchange with other participants was immensely helpful in gaining a better understanding of the academic system and supporting each other across disciplines. antelope has connected me and helped me to professionalize myself!
Prof. Anja Kirsch, Professor in Religious Studies, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, antelope 2015

Through antelope, I had the great opportunity to become part of an exciting and supportive network. It also has helped me to define my next career steps and to approach them with courage and enthusiasm. Thank you very much!
Dr. Else Schneider, Senior Researcher, Basel University Psychiatric Clinics (UPK), antelope 2021

antelope has reinforced me in pursuing my passion for my field of research in an academic career and encouraged me that I could achieve the necessary qualifications.
Prof. Dr. Karin Hediger , Full Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychology, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences and Psychology, University of Lucerne (Start: July 2024), antelope 2017

The antelope career program accompanied me throughout the long and difficult journey of job application process until I obtained my position as an Assistant Professor at Lyon University. The coaching sessions on interview practice were invaluable and very rewarding. During the empowerment and leadership coaching sessions, this group of women allowed and still allows me to work on personal challenges. This group of fantastic women has been a real support at every step, giving me motivation, strength and energy. We all need an Antelope group in our lives!
Dr. Maëva Luxey, Assistant Professor / Lecturer, University Claude Bernard Lyon, antelope 2019

antelope has supported my career through training, enablement and empowerment. I got speech training and publication training that I would not have received otherwise; I was able to participate in personal development activities such as coaching and leadership workshops; I was embedded in an amazing peer group of ambitious women of my age who struggled with similar challenges; I felt actively encouraged to dream, to develop visions, to aim for the stars and to believe in myself. I highly recommend antelope because it gives participants both the space and the tools to develop in their own pace and according to their own needs. Also, antelope was always a place to have a good time and feel safe, welcomed and worthy.
Prof. Dr. Irene Adrian-Kalchhauser, Managing Director & Tenured Professor , Institute for Fish and Wildlife Health, Department of Infectious Diseases and Pathobiology, Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern, antelope 2016