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42 Search results

Prof. Dr. Mirjam Christ-Crain. (Photo: Lucia Hunziker)

Persons Prof. Dr. Mirjam Christ-Crain

Occasion Mirjam Christ-Crain erhält den Otto Naegeli-Preis für medizinische Forschung

Photographer Lucia Hunziker

Date 31 May 2024

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President Prof. Andrea Schenker-Wicki in the midst of the prize winners. (Photo: University of Basel, Christian Flierl)

Occasion Dies academicus 2023

Photographer University of Basel, Christian Flierl

Date 24 Nov 2023

Big version 207 KB Print version 5 MB

President Prof. Andrea Schenker-Wicki in the midst of the prize winners. (Photo: University of Basel, Christian Flierl)

Occasion Dies academicus 2023

Photographer University of Basel, Christian Flierl

Date 24 Nov 2023

Big version 360 KB Print version 6 MB

Prof. Ursula Cassani Bossy received an honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Law from Dean Prof. Wolfgang Wohlers. (Photo: University of Basel, Christian Flierl)

Persons Ursula Cassani Bossy

Occasion Dies academicus 2023

Photographer University of Basel, Christian Flierl

Date 24 Nov 2023

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Prof. Sigrid Weigel was awarded an honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences by Dean Prof. Martin Lengwiler. (Photo: University of Basel, Christian Flierl)

Persons Sigrid Weigel

Occasion Dies academicus 2023

Photographer University of Basel, Christian Flierl

Date 24 Nov 2023

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Prof. Kai A. Konrad was presented with an honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Business and Economics by the Dean Prof. Alois Stutzer. (Photo: University of Basel, Christian Flierl)

Persons Kai A. Konrad

Occasion Dies academicus 2023

Photographer University of Basel, Christian Flierl

Date 24 Nov 2023

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Rev. Hans Lutz was awarded an honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Theology by Dean Prof. Moisés Mayordomo. (Photo: University of Basel, Christian Flierl)

Persons Hans Lutz

Occasion Dies academicus 2023

Photographer University of Basel, Christian Flierl

Date 24 Nov 2023

Big version 252 KB Print version 6 MB

Dean Prof. Primo Schär names Prof. Stephan Urban an honorary doctor of the Faculty of Medicine. (Image: University of Basel, Christian Flierl)

Persons Stephan Urban

Occasion Dies academicus 2023

Photographer University of Basel, Christian Flierl

Date 24 Nov 2023

Big version 255 KB Print version 6 MB

Prof. Vincent Yzerbyt was given an honorary doctor from the Faculty of Psychology by Dean Prof. Jens Gaab. (Photo: University of Basel, Christian Flierl)

Persons Vincent Yzerbyt

Occasion Dies academicus 2023

Photographer University of Basel, Christian Flierl

Date 24 Nov 2023

Big version 224 KB Print version 5 MB

Rev. Dr. Niklaus Peter receives the Alumni Award 2023 from Dr. Roland Bühlmann, President of AlumniBasel. (Photo: University of Basel, Christian Flierl)

Persons Niklaus Peter

Occasion Dies academicus 2023

Photographer University of Basel, Christian Flierl

Date 24 Nov 2023

Big version 239 KB Print version 5 MB

“We want to use teaching, research and dialogue with society to ensure that we can all benefit from the advantages of AI.” The President Prof. Andrea Schenker-Wicki during her speech at the Dies academicus 2023. (Photo: University of Basel, Christian Flierl)

Persons Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Andrea Schenker-Wicki

Occasion Dies academicus 2023

Photographer University of Basel, Christian Flierl

Date 24 Nov 2023

Big version 222 KB Print version 5 MB

Prof. Kelly Chibale received honorary doctorates from the Faculty of Sciences from Dean Prof. Marcel Mayor. (Photo: University of Basel, Christian Flierl)

Persons Kelly Chibale

Occasion Dies academicus 2023

Photographer University of Basel, Christian Flierl

Date 24 Nov 2023

Big version 250 KB Print version 5 MB

Dr. des. Katharina Merian was awarded this year's Amerbach Prize. (Photo: University of Basel, Christian Flierl)

Persons Katharina Merian

Occasion Dies academicus 2023

Photographer University of Basel, Christian Flierl

Date 24 Nov 2023

Big version 227 KB Print version 5 MB

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Andrea Schenker-Wicki, President of the University of Basel. (Photo: University of Basel, Lucia Hunziker)

Persons Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Andrea Schenker-Wicki

Photographer Lucia Hunziker

Date 11 Aug 2023

Big version 65 KB Print version 15 MB

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Andrea Schenker-Wicki, President of the University of Basel. (Photo: University of Basel, Lucia Hunziker)

Persons Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Andrea Schenker-Wicki

Photographer Lucia Hunziker

Date 11 Aug 2023

Big version 47 KB Print version 15 MB

Praxisnahe Ausbildung: Der Masterstudiengang in Biomedical Engineering vermittelt, wie sich technische Werkzeuge und Methoden für medizinische Diagnosen und Therapien nutzen lassen. (Foto: Daniel Winkler)

Occasion Universität Basel und FHNW lancieren gemeinsamen Master in Biomedical Engineering

Photographer Daniel Winkler

Date 09 Feb 2023

Big version 132 KB Print version 15 MB
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