Exchange Programs in the USA

The MAUI-Utrecht Network Exchange Program consists of the European higher education area of the Utrecht Network, including the University of Basel, and the Mid-American Universities International group of North American universities (MAUI). The network makes it possible for students at participating universities to study at a one of the various partner institutions for one or two semesters. In general, only students working on their bachelor’s degree can be considered.
Requirements and process for University of Basel students
- Intended for students at the bachelor level (completed at least one year of a bachelor’s program).
- The exchange program is not intended simply for language immersion. Rather, the idea is to give candidates an opportunity to become familiar with teaching and research at the respective host university. Solid proficiency in English is therefore essential and must be demonstrated by taking the TOEFL exam.
- The stay abroad is funded for one or a maximum of two semesters.
- Students do not pay any tuition fees at the host university and remain enrolled at the University of Basel. Students neither making use of the university’s teaching or research services, nor intending to obtain credit points, may be granted a leave of absence of no more than two semesters at a time. Leaves of absence must be applied for when reregistering.
- Students receive a one-time stipend of approximately CHF 1000.-.
- Cancellations require a great deal of work on the part of all institutions involved. If such an exceptional case does occur and a cancellation is required, the Student Exchange Office must be informed of this in writing.
Application: procedure, application and dates
Prospective candidates should contact and submit their online application to the Student Exchange Office.
- Prospective candidates should contact the specialized advisors at the University of Basel to discuss the discipline-specific aspects of the exchange stay, especially issues concerning recognition.
Prospective candidates submit their application through the online application system. Please carefully follow the instructions:
- Frist time registration: Before you can apply, you need to register first whereupon you will get personal access to the system.
- Please follow the instructions carefully
- Link to the registration portal: MoveOn
- Application deadline: 15 December for the subsequent academic year (fall semester and/or spring semester).
- Candidates receive information on the progress of their application in due time.
The application file must be submitted to the Student Exchange Office. In general, one to three University of Basel students can be considered each year.
In Network Programmes, only the pre-selection of students takes place at the University of Basel. Final decisions regarding the allocation of study places at a partner university within the network are made by the programme’s central administration office in April.
Application deadline
Submission deadline: 15 December for the following academic year.