Europe: Erasmus+ and Swiss-European Mobility Program

The European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students (Erasmus) program is a EU educational program that started in 1987. Its goal is to promote student mobility and collaboration between European institutes of higher education. Switzerland was an official partner in these European educational programs from 2011 to 2014.
Current status of the European exchange program
Following the passage of the mass immigration initiative, the EU suspended negotiations concerning the participation of Switzerland in the EU’s Erasmus+ program and reclassified Switzerland as a third country on 26 February 2014. On 7 March 2014, the Federal Council adopted a temporary solution that will allow Switzerland to participate indirectly in the Erasmus+ student exchange program for the 2014/15 academic year.
This means that in 2014/15, students can indirectly participate in the program as long as the respective partner university agrees to it. For additional information and applications, students should contact the appropriate departments.
Guiding principles
As part of the program, mobility scholarships are awarded for one or two semesters of study at a partner university and now also for internships of two to twelve months. Within the framework of the program, there may be a distinction between subject-specific mobility agreements and interdisciplinary agreements. Students remain enrolled at their home university and pay their tuition fees there.
- Students have completed at least one year of a bachelor’s course of studies.
- The program is not intended simply for language immersion. Rather, the idea is to give students an opportunity to become familiar with teaching and research at the respective host university. Solid basic proficiency in the language of the host country or language of instruction of the respective host university is therefore required.
- The recognition of the courses to be taken at the respective host university should be ensured. This requires contacting the responsible authorities in Basel before leaving. When preparing, it can be helpful to consult the course directory or general information found on the website of the respective host university.
- Students going abroad remain enrolled at the University of Basel and pay the normal tuition fees here.
- The host university generally waives tuition fees for the guest student.
- The Student Exchange Office handles registration for the respective semester(s).
- The length of the Erasmus stay must be at least three months. It is recommended that students spend two semesters at the respective host university. The mobility scholarship can be granted for a maximum of two semesters and is designed to cover a portion of the additional costs resulting from travel.
- A mobility scholarship can only be awarded once and only during a given academic year.
- SEMP students generally receive a grant to cover travel and living costs. For 2019/20, the subsidy amounts to CHF 1,600.- per semester.for studies and CHF 440.- per months for internships.
- Cancellations generate a great deal of work for the partner universities, advisors and the Student Exchange Office. If such an exceptional case does occur and a cancellation is required, the respective advisors and the Student Exchange Office must be informed of this in writing.
Application: procedure, application and dates
Discipline-specific agreements
- Prospective candidates should contact the specialized advisors at the University of Basel to discuss the discipline-specific aspects of their stay, including issues concerning recognition, the availability of university places and the selection criteria for the respective subject area.
- Prospective candidates submit their application form to the responsible persons in Basel, who then pass the candidate's materials onto the respective host university. The responsible persons in Basel notify the Student Exchange Office concerning the application.
- Additionally, prospective candidates should register through the online application system. Please carefully follow the instructions:
- Frist time registration: Before you can apply, you need to register first whereupon you will get personal access to the system.
- Please follow the instructions carefully
- Link to the registration portal MoveOn
- ATTENTION: Register through MoveOn and check with your departmental coordinator about your status of application and nomination. You will be selected and nominated by your departmental coordinators.
Interdisciplinary agreements
- Prospective candidates should contact the specialized advisors at the University of Basel to discuss the discipline-specific aspects of the Erasmus stay, including issues concerning recognition.
- Prospective candidates submit their application through the online application system:
Please carefully follow the instructions:
- Frist time registration: Before you can apply, you need to register first whereupon you will get personal accessto the system. you need to log on once only. The log in through the respective application section.
- After loggin in please follow the instructions carefully.
- Link to the registration portal MoveOn
Application deadline: 15 March for the subsequent academic year (fall semester and/or spring semester). The submission deadline for the Nordic countries is the 15 February. For the spring semester second application round on request if places are available.
- Candidates receive information on their entry, stay and studies from the respective host university. For more information on these topics, you may also want to click on the links provided.
- After submitting their applications, the Student Exchange Office notifies candidates on how to proceed until the time they leave for the host university.
The requirements for internships are as follows:
- The internship position and a supervisor at a university with an Erasmus Charter or at a company in another European country must be organised before the application;
- The durations of the internship is between 2 and 12 months;
- Students must be immatriculated at the University of Basel during the period of the internship;
- The Internship must be approved and recognised (either awarded ECTS credits or recorded in the student's transcript of records or in the Diploma Supplement);
Provided these conditions are met, you are invited to submit the online form, fully completed and signed, at the latest two months before the start of your traineeship:
- Frist time registration: Before you can apply, you need to register first whereupon you will get personal accessto the system. you need to log on once only. The log in through the respective application section.
- After logging in please follow the instructions carefully.
- Link to the registration portal MoveOn