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Disability & Illness

The Students Without Barriers (StoB) service point provides information and advice to help make it possible for students with disabilities to study without barriers.

Stob Flyer

The disability statement expresses the University of Basel's commitment to the equality of students with disabilities or chronic illnesses. The Students Without Barriers service point will be happy to provide you with advice and information.

News & events

  • Students Without Barriers conference, October 17, 2013

Offers & services

  • StoB flyer with advisory services offered by Students Without Barriers service point.
  • Clicking the class location in the course directory displays information on access and the infrastructure of the particular building. A separate document explains the meanings of the accessibility pictograms.
  • For specific questions on the facilities of particular departments or service points, please contact Students Without Barriers service point.
  • The academic advisors are available to answer questions concerning studies.


  • Patricia Winter

    Officer Students Without Barriers service point

    Patricia Winter
    University of Basel Servicestelle StoB Student Services Petersplatz 1, Postfach
    4001 Basel
    Tel. + 41 61 207 17 19
  • Markus Adler

    Officer Students Without Barriers service point

    Markus Adler
    University of Basel Servicestelle StoB Student Services Petersplatz 1
    4001 Basel
    Tel. +41 61 207 59 82
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