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Buruli ulcer: New drug against a forgotten disease

The chronic disease Buruli Ulcer results in devastating skin lesions and can lead to permanent disfigurement and long-term disabilities, affecting mainly children in West and Central Africa (Image: Swiss TPH/Hubert Vuagnat).
The chronic disease Buruli Ulcer results in devastating skin lesions and can lead to permanent disfigurement and long-term disabilities, affecting mainly children in West and Central Africa (Image: Swiss TPH/Hubert Vuagnat).

Buruli ulcer is a neglected tropical disease (NTD) resulting in debilitating skin lesions and disabilities. The current antibiotic treatment is long and has severe adverse side effects. Researchers from the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), which is associated with the University of Basel, together with colleagues from Singapore have discovered a highly effective compound against Buruli ulcer. This compound has the potential to become a powerful alternative to the existing treatment options, as the researchers report in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Communications.

18 December 2018

The chronic disease Buruli Ulcer results in devastating skin lesions and can lead to permanent disfigurement and long-term disabilities, affecting mainly children in West and Central Africa (Image: Swiss TPH/Hubert Vuagnat).
The chronic disease Buruli Ulcer results in devastating skin lesions and can lead to permanent disfigurement and long-term disabilities, affecting mainly children in West and Central Africa (Image: Swiss TPH/Hubert Vuagnat).

Thematischer Schwerpunkt

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