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FAQ University Sports: Registration

  • How do I register for university sports courses that require registration?

    Registration takes place via the course announcements on our website. For online registration, your profile must be activated in our system for the current semester (see eligibility). Whether your profile is active/activated can be tested with the online test registration before starting the online registration (see Unisport - Test registration | Courses (unibas.ch)).

  • How do I get activated for online registration?

    As a registered student and phd-student of the University of Basel, as well as employees of the University of Basel, you are usually automatically activated for the semester in our course management system. *

    As an enrolled student of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Northwestern Switzerland FHNW you will be activated in our course management system for the spring semester at the beginning of February or for the fall semester at the beginning of September. *

    As an enrolled student of another Swiss university, you have to be manually registered or activated in our course system semester by semester. For registration or activation, the valid student ID or proof of enrollment (photo or scan) as well as the current contact details must be sent to unisport@unibas.ch.

    All other eligible individuals will be activated upon issuance of their Sports-ID card for that semester.

    * Individuals who are not cleared should contact the University Sports office with proof of eligibility for that semester.

  • Which login do I need to use for online registration?

    As students and employees of the University of Basel, use the button "LOGIN UNI BASEL" and your personal SWITCH edu-ID login when registering.

    As a student of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW, you use the button "LOGIN ÜBRIGE", your FHNW e-mail address and your Unisport password when you register. You can retrieve the Unisport password during the login process under «Forgotten your password?».

    For all other participants, use the "LOGIN ÜBRIGE" button, the registered email address at University Sports, and the chosen Unisport password when registering. The Unisport password can be retrieved during the login process under «Forgot password?» during the login process.

  • Can I test if my login is currently activated?

    Yes, we recommend that you test your login in good time before starting online registration with the online test registration (see Unisport - Test Registration | Courses (unibas.ch)).

  • My login for online registration does not work. What should I do?

    If your login does not work, please contact the University Sports office with proof of eligibility.

  • My online registration was not successful, but the online payment seems to have been debited anyway. Will I be credited for the overcharged amount? Will I get my money back?

    Online payments that could not be successfully completed will be cancelled after we have finished checking the online payment receipts. Any double charges will be rectified and credited to you.

  • I have not received a registration confirmation e-mail after registering online. What do I need to do?

    Please first check whether the registration confirmation is in the SPAM folder of your inbox, otherwise please contact unisport@unibas.ch. If your registration is successful, we will send you the registration confirmation e-mail again.

  • Why can I no longer register for the same course after canceling an online registration??

    The registration window for online registration is 15 minutes per registration. Your place is reserved for this time, even if the registration is canceled before the 15 minutes have elapsed. A new attempt to register for the same course is only possible after the 15 minutes have expired.

  • How can I log out again after registering online?

    To log out after logging in, please close your browser.

  • Are there waiting lists for courses?

    Yes, University Sports keeps a waiting list for individual courses until the registration deadline; if this is the case, you will find this information online in the announcement. Please send an e-mail to unisport@unibas.ch with a request to be placed on the waiting list. As soon as there are free places again and you have moved up from the waiting list, we will contact you for the next steps.

    In the case of fully booked courses without a waiting list, the vacant course place will be reactivated online (see available course places).

Further information

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