University of Basel, Diversity & Inclusion, All-Gender WC
The installation of all-gender restrooms provides non-discriminatory and barrier-free restroom use for all.
At the University of Basel, everyone can use the toilet, shower or changing room that corresponds to their own gender identity. For those who prefer gender-neutral restrooms, all-gender restrooms are available.
All-gender restrooms are intended to address the needs of trans, inter and non-binary individuals. At the same time, many people can benefit from all-gender restrooms, such as parents with children of different genders or people who are cared for by an assistant of a different gender.
Where are there all-gender restrooms?
Kollegienhaus, Petersplatz 1, 2. OG
UB Hauptbibliothek, Schönbeinstrasse 18-20, 3. OG
Lernoullianum, Petersgraben 45
Bibliothek der Juristischen Fakultät, Peter Merian Weg 8, 1. OG
Departement Mathematik und Informatik, Spiegelgasse 1 im EG, ZG und 6. OG
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an all-gender WC?
All-gender restrooms are facilities that can be used by all people regardless of gender expression or identity.
All-gender restrooms are facilities that can be used by all people regardless of gender expression or identity.
Why are all-gender restrooms important?
Trans, inter and non-binary people may experience discriminatory and exclusionary experiences in restrooms that are signposted for either women or men. It is not uncommon for them to experience insults, expulsion from the room, and even threats of violence. Providing restrooms that can be used regardless of gender reduces potential for discrimination and creates a safe space for all.
Are you a father traveling with your two young daughters? You are a woman and your assistant whose help you need to go to the toilet is male? An all-gender restroom allows you and others to use the sanitary facilities without worry. So all-gender restrooms are about entitlement, safety and health protection, they promote equality and are family friendly.
Trans, inter and non-binary people may experience discriminatory and exclusionary experiences in restrooms that are signposted for either women or men. It is not uncommon for them to experience insults, expulsion from the room, and even threats of violence. Providing restrooms that can be used regardless of gender reduces potential for discrimination and creates a safe space for all.
Are you a father traveling with your two young daughters? You are a woman and your assistant whose help you need to go to the toilet is male? An all-gender restroom allows you and others to use the sanitary facilities without worry. So all-gender restrooms are about entitlement, safety and health protection, they promote equality and are family friendly.
Who can use an all-gender WC?
All are welcome to use the restrooms for all genders.
All are welcome to use the restrooms for all genders.