International Cooperation
The University of Basel embeds its activities in local, cross-border and international networks. The following overview informs about access to these networks and the possibilities to actively contribute.
Joint Supervision of Thesis
PhD candidates wishing to engage in a co-supervised thesis (Cotutelle de Thèse) find a general overview here and and are invited to consult specific University of Basel related information here. Useful forms as the cooperation agreement as well as the funding request form are available for download. Funding is restricted to students who are matriculated at a Swiss University for at least one student year. Funding requests can be handed in independently of the student's nationality.
EUCOR - European Campus
Engaging with the neigbouring universities of Freiburg i.Br. and Karlsruhe (both Germany) as well as with Mulhouse and Strasbourg (both France) students and faculty wishing to engage are supported by the EUCOR Office of the University. A general overview of what EUCOR is can be found here. Travel costs to these universities for attending seminars or lectures qualify for reimbursement. Staying at a EUCOR University helps diversifying one's own perspective of student life and of course organisation abroad adding by that to one's own transcultural skills set.
INTERREG - NRP funding
Early career scientists as well as established researchers are invited to propose cooperation projects within the larger Upper Rhine area. The so-called Interreg - program that is cofinanced by Switzerland under the name of New Regional Policy (NRP) supports the build-up of coordination structures
At the time being, the current Interreg VA - program (2014 - 2020) has been supporting more than 40 projects out of a 100 million EUR total budget for this period. Researchers with an interest to submitting projects are invited to consult the website of Regio Basiliensis who is the coordinating body on the Swiss side for all five Northwestern cantons. On Monday 20 November 2017, Regio Basiliensis will organize an information event about the remaining period and topics considered for funding at the premises of University of Basel.
Bilateral Agreements for setting up academic partnerships
Research and Teaching Faculty at the University of Basel who are interested in creating an institutional academic partnership in Europe or Overseas are invited to download the agreement template and to contact the International Office for additional questions.