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Supplementary requirements for admission to the joint Master’s Degree in Subject-Specific Teaching and Learning

Admission to the joint Master’s Degree in Subject-Specific Teaching and Learning, offered by the Institute for Educational Sciences at the University of Basel in conjunction with the FHNW School of Education, may deviate from the list of formally recognized qualifications of the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Min-isters of Education (EDK) (see published directory: https://edudoc.ch/record/216047/files/PH-Diplome-Registre-d-f.pdf) for formal degree recognition provided the following (cumulative) requirements are met:

  1. Tertiary-level degree program lasting at least 3 years at a higher education institution recognized by the canton
  2. EDK decision regarding Switzerland-wide recognition for entry to a profession
  3. Confirmation from the successor institution that the content and academic level of the qualification earned is equivalent to the relevant diploma recognized by the EDK according to the published directory
  4. Average grade of at least 5 / unrounded in accordance with Section 17 of the student regulations of the University of Basel dated 13 November 2019

This does not include courses such as the two-year training programs for teachers formerly offered by the Pädagogisches Institut Basel-Stadt and the Kantonale Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerseminar Basel-Landschaft, as well as general teaching diplomas (seminaristische Lehrdiplome).

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