stay on track

The line of funding is aimed towards highly qualified female postdoctoral researchers in the early stage of motherhood. Support measures will be made available to help focus and maintain high-quality research. The research support measures take the form of temporary relief from certain duties of assistants, for example teaching, project lead, academic administration, and laboratory work. The support measures are scheduled to fit for a duration of 6 months.
Dates and deadlines
Applications can be submitted at any time. All applications are regularly evaluated . The support measure is then provided for the following 6 months; retroactive requests will not be taken into consideration.
Target group and support
Applications can be submitted by female early career researchers
- at postdoctoral level currently employed at the University of Basel (e.g. academic staff members, postdocs, assistants).
- from the last quarter of their pregnancy until a maximum of one year after the birth of their child.
- with postdoctoral positions at the University of Basel, including externally funded employees provided that their external funding does not already provide for such support.
- who have submitted the completed online form and the application documents by the deadline in accordance with the stay on track documents (see checklist application and guidelines).
Funded support options
stay on track offers temporary cover for an employee’s key duties so that they can concentrate on their research for the duration of 6 months by
- providing a (laboratory) assistant (to help with routine tasks)
- finding a replacement for project leadership or to assume the applicant’s management and administrative tasks (workload generally 10-15%)
- assigning a temporary teacher (to cover the mandatory teaching load) (this option is bound to the semester term)
- in addition there are individual support options available.
These support options aim to help the applicant focus on their own research (see checklist information support options available only in German).
For more information, refer to the guidelines and information sheet in the download box.