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Printing Cost Contribution for Publication of Dissertations

The Vice Rectorate of Research offers PhDs at the University of Basel a contribution towards the cost of printing their dissertations for publication.

Applications must be submitted to the University of Basel dissertation fund. The financial contribution is awarded by the University of Basel dissertation fund or by the Basel Scholarship Foundation.

  • Submission deadlines
    1 April and 1 October (due to the current situation please submit your application as a scan by e-mail)
  • Approval
    end of the following month


Application documents:

  • Cover letter with reason for applying
  • Application form
  • Copy of the publishing quote
  • Letter of recommendation from the doctoral supervisor

The application form is to be filled in online; it has to be printed and signed. Due to the current situation we kindly ask you to submit the application documents as a scan by e-mail (1 single PDF document).

Any financing by the University of Basel dissertation fund or by the Basel Scholarship Foundation must be acknowledged in the dissertation. Printing costs higher than CHF 1'500 may be subsidized.

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