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Career Counseling

University of Basel, Kollegienhaus. (Image: Christian Flierl, © University of Basel)

There is only one first impression and it should be a positive one. We are happy to support you during and after your studies in all matters relating to a successful career start.

Welcome to the Career Service Center (CSC) of the University of Basel!

The Career Service Center of the University of Basel offers individual career advice, workshops, events, information and services to help students and graduates of the University of Basel at Bachelor's and Master's level to start, plan and find their way in professional life.



  • Universität Basel Career Service Center (CSC)

    Collegiate Building, Petersplatz 1, Basel
    Universität Basel Career Service Center (CSC) Petersplatz 1, Postfach
    4001 Basel
    Tel. +41 61 207 08 67
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